#Takenouchiryubitchuden #Prague #keiko #竹内流備中伝 #プラハ #稽古 2020.12.7
On Monday, we had our first official keiko after Covid restrictions.
As there were two newcomers, so we included a long stretching, daken and ukemi practice at the beginning, then we practiced Toride mae 1-3, Jojutsu Tachi Dori 6, Kogusoku 5. After that we also did Kuchi Saide 2, and rehearsed the whole Jojutsu Tachi Dori and Kenbou Shin no kata.
Place: ZŠ Človíček
Time: 17:00 - 20:00
members: Marek, Lucka, Ondřej (オンドジェイ), Bára (バーラ)
Unfortunately the Covid restrictions seem to be about to take effect again, and so I dont know if we will have any more practices during this winter.
捕手前 (torite mae)1-3
It is a very efficient and effective practice method in which the motodachi play 3katas in succession with 1 sure chigae, 2 kote nayashi, and 3 hiki nage.
元立ち(motodachi)が 1 擦違(sure chigae)、2 小手撓(kote nayashi)、3 引投(hiki nage)を連続して掛ける稽古方法で行っており、とても効率的、効果的だ。
For surechigai, keep a close distance in front of the opponent and dive low under the opponent's arm.
小手撓(kote nayashi)については、相手の右手が前に降り出された時に、相手の右肩を手前に引き出すように相手の手首をとる。
For kote nayashi, when the opponent's right hand is pushed forward, take the opponent's wrist so that the opponent's right shoulder is pulled out toward you.
引投(hiki nage)については、相手の右手首の内側に右手を小さく絡めながら、バックステップして距離を保ち、右前に押し込み、相手が戻して起き上がろうとする力を利用して投げる。
For hiki nage, while entwining the right hand inside the opponent's right wrist, backstep to keep the distance, push it forward to the right, and throw using the force that the opponent tries to get up.
押杖 杖術
押杖(Osae zue)については、相手の一撃目を杖で左に払い、二撃目を右片手で持った杖の持ち手左側で受け流し、左手で相手の両腕を絡めとり右手の杖で相手の首を押さえながら左に巻き落とす。
For the Osae zue, pay the opponent's first attack to the left with a cane, parry the second attack with the left side of the jou held with one right hand, entangle both arms of the opponent with the left hand, and use the jou of the right hand Hold push down the neck and wind it down to the left.
小具足腰之廻 5
For Wakizashi otoshide, lower your left foot and put your left shoulder on the ground when opponent push your left arm down to the ground so that the opponent escape from hit his face by your kodachi.
Pull your left shoulder backwards to keep a distance from the opponent and stand your left foot.
When the opponent holds the left arm again, retreat the left foot, rotate the left shoulder blade to the ground, kick the opponent's temple with the left heel, take the opponent's left wrist with the left hand, and hit with the right kodachi.