#Takenouchiryu #bitchuden #Prague #kebou #keiko 2020.12.1

Mr. Hineck recorded a video of the kenbou training outdoors and sent it to me. At the time of writing this blog, Mr. Marek gave the following news.
Good news, the covid restrictions in Czech Republic are being lifted. Maybe already this friday we will be allowed to practice in the gym.
It is lucky because outside temperature is getting very low.
幸いなことに、チェコ共和国でのcovidの制限は解除されています。 たぶん、すでにこの金曜日にジムで練習することが許可されます。
The best thing about Hineck's mind is
  He is trying to keep his hips and head at a constant height by bending his knees and lowering my hips. I hopefully dare request him to straight his back.Be careful not to lean forward.When taking kado gamae, make sure that bou and spine stand vertically.
Recently, Tsuruno Issoku was taught to start from standing on one leg, but as in the past, Ono kanchou told me in Kyoto to return to the form of stepping back the right leg from standing on both legs (the right knee does not reach ground).
As for Hige, at the same time as stepping on the right foot, turn the bou with the waist and hit the opponent's ankle with the tip of the bou.

東京 竹内流備中伝 Tokyo takenouchi ryu Bitchuden

古武術 竹内流備中伝を世界のどこにいても稽古できるように、備忘録やヒント(正解でない場合もある)を記録しておきます。 This site will keep notes and hints(may not be correct)so that you can practice Kobujyutsu Takenouchi ryu Bitchuden anywhere in the world.


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