#竹内流備中伝 #プラハ #棒術 #居合稽古 2021.2.17
Omote bou 表棒
Each has improved. For omote bou, try to prevent the stick butt from hitting the wall even if you walk along the wall with tonbo gaeri.
それぞれ改善されました。 表棒については、蜻蛉返を壁際で行っても、棒尻が壁に当たらないようにしてください。
For tonbo gaeri, when returing back, push down on tip of the bou with your left hand and stand the bou behind your right arm
Ura bou 裏棒
For ura bou, koshiguruma's thrust is lower aim at kougan, and for tsurunoissoku, fly with both knees raised as high as possible to avoid from the opponent's feet attacking.
Sakushuu iai 作州居合
For sakushuuiai, when returning the sword, relax your hand so that the weight of the sword turns the tip of the sword. When you're done with each kata, place your hands on the groin and unravel to look at the mountains in the distance.
作州居合の場合、刀を返すときは、刀の重さで刀の先を回すように手を緩めます。 また、それぞれの型が終わったら、股間に手を置いて構えを解き、遠くの山々を眺める目付二なります。
When turning the sword by sakate, support the tsuka with your index finger and thumb instead of pushing the tsuka with your little finger.