#Takenouchiryubitchuden #Colorado #Iai keiko #竹内流備中伝 #コロラド #居合 稽古 2020.12.7
Mr. McCarron from Colorado sent me a rehearsal video of Sakushu Iaido.
It seems that a large number of families gathered together for Thanksgiving on November 26th. I wonder if Colorado has such an atmosphere.
McCarron's son, who has milk teeth and crawls around vigorously, is said to enjoy watching McCarron's Iai practice. I want you to practice carefully so as not to get injured.
As for the sageo, when you insert the sword into the obi, fold the end in half and insert it into the front right obi.
For Shin, when pulling out the sword horizontally, keep the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and tip of the right hand at the same height, and adjust the height by bending the knee.
As for Gyou, in order to pass the opponent's attack to my face over my head, I pull out the sword with my right hand, pull the sheath with my left hand, hold the sword in the upper row, and shoot down the face.
For sou, after the horizontal battou, step forward on the left knee, hold it in the upper row and inhale, and at the same time as step on the right foot, exhale and attack to opponents face to stomach height.
小手返(kote gaeshi)については、抜刀して切先で相手の右柄手を押さえるように差し出し、膝左を立て、右柄手の高さまで切り下ろす。
For kote gaeshi, pull out the sword and point to opponents right hand with the tip of the sword, raise the left knee, and cut down to the height of the right hand.
離切(noki giri)については、相手の面打の攻撃線を外すために、足を踏み違えて飛び退き、右手を左頭上に持ち上げて鎬で受け流す。
As for noki giri, in order to remove the opponent's attack line to me, I change steps and jump away, lift up my right hand over my left head and parries it with shinogi.
冠落(kanmuri otoshi)については、右45度から左45度の幅の中で、右下から左上に、左下から右上に首の高さを両母子を柄の上にして斬る。
For the kanmuri otoshi, cut the neck height from the lower right to the upper left and from the lower left to the upper right (putting both thumbs on your over tuka ) within the width of 45 degrees to the right to 45 degrees to the left.
四方斬(shihou giri)については、最初に左足を前に踏み出して水平に抜刀する際に、鯉口(koikuchi)を握る左手、左腰を後ろに捻るようにして首の高さに抜刀する。四方を斬るときは、腰を低く保ち送り足にする。
For shihou giri, when you first step forward with your left foot and pull out the sword horizontally, pull out the sword at neck height by twisting the left hand and left hip that hold the koikuchi back. When slashing on all sides, keep your hips low and use your legs(okuri ashi).
For kaishaku, carry it on your right shoulder with your right hand so that you do not show the blade to the other party.
Repeat good practice and if you have any questions or doubts, please contact us again.A keiko should be held to monjin with face to face, but we will try to make it possible for people who are practicing in remote areas to prepare for the lessons as much. Your question may be everyone's question, so we share it with anyone who is practicing as much as possible.