#Takenouchiryubitchuden #Prague #joujutsu #boujutsu #竹内流備中伝 #プラハ稽古 #杖術 #棒術 #女性たちが楽しそう #2020.11.21

#チェコ #プラハ の マレックさんから#稽古報が11/21日に届いた。サンキューメールは送ったもののなかなかコメントできずにいた。
#Czech Republic #Mr. Marek from Prague #Rehearsal news arrived on November 21st. I sent a thank-you email, but I couldn't comment easily.
Mr. Marek asked the following question about the first structure of katakuzushi (pictured above).
(Question) In Kata Kuzushi, is my first stance correct?When I go with bou into furikaburi, I let right hand hold it loose from above, but I know on some videos I also saw people hold it with a strong grip
(回答) 肩崩は最初、体側で棒の三分の一の箇所を握ってから、頭上に構え、右手は三分の一のポイントから棒の真ん中までスライドさせるとともに右肩を後ろに引いて構えます。したがってマレックさんのご指摘のとおり、右手の握りは柔らかくして、棒の中央までスライドする必要があります。
(Answer) For katakuzushi, first grasp one-third of the stick on the body side, then hold it overhead, slide your right hand from the one-third point to the middle of the stick, and pull your right shoulder back. Therefore, as Mr. Marek pointed out, the grip of the right hand should be soft and slide to the center of the rod.
It was Lucka and Jitka practicing, Jitka had a long break so she didnt want to be filmed.The two women look very happy.
Marek and Hineck's menjyou and obi will be sent by Mr.Barada along with Japanese canned chu-hi in the near future.
I was thinking of sending the introductory guide after translating it into English, but I plan to send it in Japanese first.

東京 竹内流備中伝 Tokyo takenouchi ryu Bitchuden

古武術 竹内流備中伝を世界のどこにいても稽古できるように、備忘録やヒント(正解でない場合もある)を記録しておきます。 This site will keep notes and hints(may not be correct)so that you can practice Kobujyutsu Takenouchi ryu Bitchuden anywhere in the world.


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